Saturday 3 October 2015

Group Assignment 1

Logical Mind maps:




The World Wide Web, The Mind, The Connection

The internet is a complex structure of information, does it remind you of anything else? Well if you think about it, it resembles our complex brain. Our brain is very similar  to its counter-part the internet, for the brain is a structure of information roaming and sending information across the rest of our body, therefore the thoughts we have are similar to the knowledge we have flowing  through the internet. It's an astonishing aspect to be a human in life because we are programmed to think in a certain way although the internet is a free path that we take in which we can establish our own way.

Comparing the brain and the internet, the brain has thousands of neurons and thoughts flowing through it and it's very complex to prove that, there is a saying which says if the brain was so simple to understand we would be so simple we would not comprehend it.
But if so why do we have flaws as human beings, is it a good thing? or is it a part of human behavior that implements the way we achieve our goals, this is a paradox by its own nature, if we,  the creators of the internet are full of flaws is the internet a flawless place ? Take a minute to think about it ... if your answer was yes, then you might want to reconsider it, for we are the information providers and we are the ones who built it. We made this our personal library with all the recorded history of our knowledge taken from our greatest minds throughout the history, all put together in a single place, the internet.

It's easy to make crude anatomical comparisons between the brain (on one hand) and the Web and the Net (on the other). Where the brain has cells firing across synapses, the Net links computers over ethernet cables, fiber-optic cables, or satellite links, and the Web uses hypertext links to connect one page to others. Now all computers on the Net are not equally important. There are major links between continents, for example, carried in a relatively small number of hugely important undersea cables, if one of those fails, vast amounts of Internet traffic are slowed down as they reroute across the world via longer and less direct routes.
it is our duty as humans to evolve, and as we advance, our minds grow ... therefore the internet will evolve and grow with us, as we keep expanding our brains with new discoveries and that adds to our recorded history and we leave a foot print on the world we live in, as the internet keeps track of our progress and that is how we are connected.

If it wasn't for the internet we wouldn't be able to cultivate all the things that our great minds have researched throughout history, for that, we have to pay homage to our past, because if we don't know our past, we won't have a future.

Random Words Association:

The Problem: How is the Internet changing our brain?
The Random Word: Convenience
The Objects: Memory, Learning, Efficiency, Searching, Solution, IQ, Relevance, Technology
The Association:
1)    Memory – A process in which information is encoded, stored and retrieved;
2)    Learning – A act of receiving, understanding and remembering knowledge;
3)    Efficiency – An ability to avoid wasting time and materials for making life convenient;
4)    Searching – A process of using Internet to find the files, information or knowledge you need;
5)    Solution – A way to solve a problem which reduces the convenience of daily life;
6)    IQ – A score derived from one of several standardized tests designed to show how smart is your brain
7)    Relevance - A concept of one topic being connected to another topic in a way that makes it useful to consider the first topic when considering the second;
8)    Technology – A application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry
The Link – What it might mean in practice?
1)    Memory - We can just check our email or Google to look up phone numbers or addresses  instead of remembering. The Internet has become a new external memory where information is stored outside ourselves and our brains have become reliant on the availability of information.
2)    Learning - With online libraries, rote memorization is no longer a necessary part of education. Educators are beginning to understand that information is now coming at us quicker and faster than we can digest it, and memorizing facts wastes valuable brain power that could be used to keep up with more important information that can't be quickly Googled.
3)    Efficiency – We are able to updated Facebook and listen to music at the same time. It means that the partial attention is available for human brain, which can save our time by doing a few things concurrently.
4)    Searching - We're getting better at finding the information we need. It seems that the brainpower previously used to retain facts and information is now being used to remember how to look it up. We're adapting to new technology and becoming highly skilled in remembering where to find things.
5)    Solution - When faced with a difficult question, people think about computers today. It's a brand new impulse that exists in our brains. Because for the students in college, using the Internet has become all too common. For many, this means we don't have to trek to the library but just pick up Smartphone from the pockets.
6)    IQ - Our IQ is increasing over time by playing videos, updating Twitter and using Google. The reason behind this is the fact that the Internet provide us a huge amount of resources and methods to practice our brain power.
7)    Relevance - With so much information, we're no longer in a world bound by printing presses and editors: just about anyone can put information out there and promote the heck out of it. It's up to us as readers and consumers of information to determine what's relevant and reliable, and with so much practice, our brains are getting better at this task every day.
8)    Technology – Internet make us physically addicted to technology. Nowadays, many heavy Internet users feel a craving for the stimulation received from gadgets even when shutting down the computer. After spending time online, your brain wants to get back on for more, making it difficult to concentrate on other tasks and "unplug."


It’s quiet fascinating how our brain and the Internet are similar in structure. The Internet is like an on-going map full of information and sources that we can access through browsing. While our brain has a matching feature, where it contains all the knowledge we have obtained and learned over time and can be accessed through remembering. Not to mention, the Internet is programmed with a diversity of data, which can be categorized and classified, for instance it can be social, productive, creative, business related and such. The same is applied to our brain’s complex structure where it contains different kind of data and thoughts that represent the state of mind of a person; such as whether that person is left-brained or right-brained.

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