Sunday 1 November 2015

Group Assignment 2

Group Assignment 2



                                                  Leadership in LUCT

What is leadership? There is a quote that says “a leader is one that knows the way goes the way and shows the way” a leader is a person that never says do this and do that says let's do this and let's do that in simplicity a leader leads and doesn't give orders around. What should be the qualities of a? 

Self-assessment: Effective leaders periodically take stock of their personal strengths and shortcomings. They ask: “What do I like to do? What am I really good at?” “What are my areas of weakness, and what do I dislike doing?”  

Knowing your areas of weakness does not make you weak; on the contrary, it allows you to delegate to others who have those abilities, in order to achieve the common goal. Rather than clinging to the false belief that they can do it all, great leaders hire people who complement, rather than supplement, their skills. Working on your areas of weaknesses will improve your leadership ability – and recognizing them makes you more human.

Sharp perception: Do you know how people really perceive you? Effective leaders do. They have an easy level of honest communication with their teams and their peers, and a thorough understanding of how they are perceived. Testing others’ perception of you can be as simple as observing their behavior. Are your co-workers and team members relaxed around you? Does all conversation stop when you enter the room? then that means you have an influence on others as in a leader has to have strong influences over people to be able to lead . 

Responsive to the group’s needs: Being perceptive can also help a leader be more effective in knowing the needs of the team. Some team’s value trust over creativity; others prefer a clear communicator to a great organizer. Building a strong team is easier when you know the values and goals of each individual, as well as what they need from you as their leader.

Knowing the organization: Effective leaders know the organization’s overall purpose and goals, and the agreed-upon strategies to achieve these goals; they also know how their team fits into the big picture, and the part they play in helping the organization grow and thrive. Full knowledge of your organization – inside and out – is vital to becoming an effective leader. 

so after covering what are the qualities of a leader is I would like to share how I built up and improved my leadership skills , personally I've always been a leader since I was a young kid I was infatuated by being a leader so it was only natural that I wanted to build my leadership skills.

My leadership skills improved when I enrolled in LUCT how you may ask? I became a student ambassador, the student ambassador program is a program that gives students the platform to be able to help bring their ideas to live and are supported by tan sri limkokwing himself, so each student ambassador represents a country or community in campus and are excepted to be the voice of their communities and be leaders for their peers to look up to them.

the student ambassador program helps build the minds of our future leaders and that is actually true because we are given the responsibility to represent our country and you don't want to let your people down so automatically you are in responsibility mode so therefore you start acting like a leader when you feel like a leader .

What are some of the challenges that you go through as a leader of the future in LUCT? before I cover that let me briefly speak about LUCT and how it's the perfect place to build your leadership skills LUCT is a very diverse university and it creates a system where communities want to change or exchange cultural ideas and share their knowledge and show how interesting their culture is so in this case you already have a structure that is ready to have leaders leading it 

now going back to my point what are the challenges you face in LUCT well you will encounter many characters that will test your strength as a leader and will defiantly sharpen your leadership skills.

of course there are other aspects in which you can be a good leader in Limkokwing university ,LUCT doesn't just provide the ambassador program as a tool to build up a student's leadership skills there are also other ways what are they you may ask because not every student can be a student ambassador its only a selected few but that doesn't mean other students don't have the chance to build up their leadership skills . matter of fact there are many clubs in which the university allows students to flourish in their creativity the clubs sometimes come up with events made by students for students and in such activities leadership skills are required very heavily and will encounter problems in which skillful leaders can overcome . 

to conclude our discussion leadership is something we either gain in life through experience or are born with the trait and have to enhance on it but either way we need to know one thing to be a leader you have to lead not just point fingers and expect things to happen, a good leader takes charge and makes sure the whole team makes an effort in whatever they are working on to put it in a better perspective a commander does not order soldier to go fight if he him self is not ready to jump into battle .

so always put in mind a true leader only respects his followers more than anything to make them be whole you need to be the back bone and the structure that supports the entire team . 

Random Words Association

The Problem: Why is leadership important to a team?

The Random Word: Management

The Objects: planning, efficiency, effectuation, organization, support, suggestion, communication, decision, influence, power, direction, solution, help, goals.

The Association: 

1) Planning –is a dynamic profession that works to improve the welfare of people and their communities by creating more convenient, equitable, healthful, efficient, and attractive places for present and future generations.

2) Cooperation –is the process of groups of organisms working or acting together for their common/mutual benefit, as opposed to working in competition for selfish benefit.

3) Efficiency –The comparison of what is actually produced or performed with what can be achieved with the same consumption of resources.

4) Effectiveness –The degree to which objectives are achieved and the extent to which targeted problems are solved.

5) Organization –are the engines of technological and social innovation, the foundations of individuals' careers, and therefore the bases of social advance and diversity.

6) Support –to approve of an idea or of a person or organization and help them to be successful.

7) Suggestion –is the psychological process by which one person guides the thoughts, feelings, or behaviour of another.

8) Communication –is simply the act of transferring information from one place to another.

9) Decision –the act or process of deciding; determination, as of a question or doubt, by making a judgment.

10) Influence –the action or process of producing effects on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc.

11) Power – is the ability to cause or prevent an action, make things happen; the discretion to act or not act. Opposite of disability, it differs from a right in that it has no accompanying duties.

12) Direction –is the information contained in the relative position of one point with respect to another point without the distance information.

13) Solution –the act of solving a problem or question.

14) Help –to do something that makes it easier for someone to do a job, to deal with a problem to aid or assist someone.

15) Goals –is a desired result that a person or a system envisions, plans and commits to achieve.

The Link:

1) Planning –Planners develop a plan through analysis of data and identification of goals for the community or the project. Planners help the community and its various groups identify their goals and form a particular vision.

2) Cooperation –To achieve something if you are part of a team, of any kind we need to cooperate so that we achieve what we are trying to do.

3) Efficiency –Managerial efficiency is the proportion of total organization resources that contribute to productivity during the manufacturing process.

4) Effectiveness –The effectiveness of the managers is measured in the effectiveness of the organization in achieving the organizational goals.

5) Organization –Creating an organization makes you the super admin. This allows you to manage all aspects of an organization, including member permissions.

6) Support –showing support for a team member's actions or decisions; helping alleviate stressful situations for subordinates; socializing; keeping team members informed about stressful situations; addressing subordinates' negative feelings; and disclosing personal information.

7) Suggestion –This would not only help establish a sense of purpose in everyone, but would also help as someone might come up with a suggestion to improvise which you may not even have thought of.

8) Communication –Members of the team make high quality decisions together and have the support and commitment of the group to carry out the decisions made. The manager should lead members to have good communication.

9) Decision –The team has agreed upon procedures for diagnosing, analyzing, and resolving team work problems and conflicts. The team does not support member personality conflicts and clashes nor do team members pick sides in a disagreement. Great leader is able to control this process.

10) Influence –The key to a successful team is that everyone shares the same passion and focus to achieve the desired target/goal. And that can only happen when everyone on the team is aware that they all are individually important for the success of the team as a whole.

11) Power –Everyone loves to be noticed for their hard work. That's where reward & reorganization sessions come handy. You can have certificates distributed for members who have been instrumental in the team's success.

12) Direction –You must know where you are going if you expect others to join you on the journey. Each person needs to understand how their work contributes. Each person needs to feel valued and part of something bigger than themselves. He or she who has a ‘why’ to live for, can bear almost any how.

13) Solution –Leaders need to focus on solutions, not problems. The challenge for an organization’s leaders is how to turn these strong principles into a process – one that creates a winning team. A leader is the driver; the processes need to be delegated and shared.

14) Help –Working together helps people grow as they learn from each other and develop important skills.

15) Goals –Your responsibility to your followers is to be clear about where you are headed. You must define the performance objective.


Leader of course from the world lead and that’s what a leader does, it’s to lead the teams to success and keep them on the right direction just like a sign. By receiving the correct information and order from the leader the team can work their way to the top which resembles the sign that give you the data you need in order to know where to go on from the point you’re in to the goal.

Train tracks can lead to a lot of different places and directions, and every turn chosen can change the whole plan to reach the destination. And that applies to the choices the leader make, just like the train and its tracks all the choices can lead to either success or failure and every single one can bring different outcome. So it’s the leader’s job to make the right choices to reach the destination.


Many words can obtain the meaning of leadership; Influence, Direction, Management and such. All those words are characteristics a leader has, these skills that can be described as leadership and the elements needed to reach the goal and succeed. Not to mention, can have an obvious effect on the team where with all these features their leader has their can build a stronger relationship and trust between the two parties.

Saturday 3 October 2015

Group Assignment 1

Logical Mind maps:




The World Wide Web, The Mind, The Connection

The internet is a complex structure of information, does it remind you of anything else? Well if you think about it, it resembles our complex brain. Our brain is very similar  to its counter-part the internet, for the brain is a structure of information roaming and sending information across the rest of our body, therefore the thoughts we have are similar to the knowledge we have flowing  through the internet. It's an astonishing aspect to be a human in life because we are programmed to think in a certain way although the internet is a free path that we take in which we can establish our own way.

Comparing the brain and the internet, the brain has thousands of neurons and thoughts flowing through it and it's very complex to prove that, there is a saying which says if the brain was so simple to understand we would be so simple we would not comprehend it.
But if so why do we have flaws as human beings, is it a good thing? or is it a part of human behavior that implements the way we achieve our goals, this is a paradox by its own nature, if we,  the creators of the internet are full of flaws is the internet a flawless place ? Take a minute to think about it ... if your answer was yes, then you might want to reconsider it, for we are the information providers and we are the ones who built it. We made this our personal library with all the recorded history of our knowledge taken from our greatest minds throughout the history, all put together in a single place, the internet.

It's easy to make crude anatomical comparisons between the brain (on one hand) and the Web and the Net (on the other). Where the brain has cells firing across synapses, the Net links computers over ethernet cables, fiber-optic cables, or satellite links, and the Web uses hypertext links to connect one page to others. Now all computers on the Net are not equally important. There are major links between continents, for example, carried in a relatively small number of hugely important undersea cables, if one of those fails, vast amounts of Internet traffic are slowed down as they reroute across the world via longer and less direct routes.
it is our duty as humans to evolve, and as we advance, our minds grow ... therefore the internet will evolve and grow with us, as we keep expanding our brains with new discoveries and that adds to our recorded history and we leave a foot print on the world we live in, as the internet keeps track of our progress and that is how we are connected.

If it wasn't for the internet we wouldn't be able to cultivate all the things that our great minds have researched throughout history, for that, we have to pay homage to our past, because if we don't know our past, we won't have a future.

Random Words Association:

The Problem: How is the Internet changing our brain?
The Random Word: Convenience
The Objects: Memory, Learning, Efficiency, Searching, Solution, IQ, Relevance, Technology
The Association:
1)    Memory – A process in which information is encoded, stored and retrieved;
2)    Learning – A act of receiving, understanding and remembering knowledge;
3)    Efficiency – An ability to avoid wasting time and materials for making life convenient;
4)    Searching – A process of using Internet to find the files, information or knowledge you need;
5)    Solution – A way to solve a problem which reduces the convenience of daily life;
6)    IQ – A score derived from one of several standardized tests designed to show how smart is your brain
7)    Relevance - A concept of one topic being connected to another topic in a way that makes it useful to consider the first topic when considering the second;
8)    Technology – A application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry
The Link – What it might mean in practice?
1)    Memory - We can just check our email or Google to look up phone numbers or addresses  instead of remembering. The Internet has become a new external memory where information is stored outside ourselves and our brains have become reliant on the availability of information.
2)    Learning - With online libraries, rote memorization is no longer a necessary part of education. Educators are beginning to understand that information is now coming at us quicker and faster than we can digest it, and memorizing facts wastes valuable brain power that could be used to keep up with more important information that can't be quickly Googled.
3)    Efficiency – We are able to updated Facebook and listen to music at the same time. It means that the partial attention is available for human brain, which can save our time by doing a few things concurrently.
4)    Searching - We're getting better at finding the information we need. It seems that the brainpower previously used to retain facts and information is now being used to remember how to look it up. We're adapting to new technology and becoming highly skilled in remembering where to find things.
5)    Solution - When faced with a difficult question, people think about computers today. It's a brand new impulse that exists in our brains. Because for the students in college, using the Internet has become all too common. For many, this means we don't have to trek to the library but just pick up Smartphone from the pockets.
6)    IQ - Our IQ is increasing over time by playing videos, updating Twitter and using Google. The reason behind this is the fact that the Internet provide us a huge amount of resources and methods to practice our brain power.
7)    Relevance - With so much information, we're no longer in a world bound by printing presses and editors: just about anyone can put information out there and promote the heck out of it. It's up to us as readers and consumers of information to determine what's relevant and reliable, and with so much practice, our brains are getting better at this task every day.
8)    Technology – Internet make us physically addicted to technology. Nowadays, many heavy Internet users feel a craving for the stimulation received from gadgets even when shutting down the computer. After spending time online, your brain wants to get back on for more, making it difficult to concentrate on other tasks and "unplug."


It’s quiet fascinating how our brain and the Internet are similar in structure. The Internet is like an on-going map full of information and sources that we can access through browsing. While our brain has a matching feature, where it contains all the knowledge we have obtained and learned over time and can be accessed through remembering. Not to mention, the Internet is programmed with a diversity of data, which can be categorized and classified, for instance it can be social, productive, creative, business related and such. The same is applied to our brain’s complex structure where it contains different kind of data and thoughts that represent the state of mind of a person; such as whether that person is left-brained or right-brained.